Tom Catena: “We are trying to take the Aurora mantra of Gratitude in Action to heart”

Tom Catena: “We are trying to take the Aurora mantra of Gratitude in Action to heart”

On October 19, 2020, despite the challenges caused by the global pandemic and the heartbreaking military aggression in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, the first event of Aurora’s “Gratitude in Action” anniversary series took place in New York City, honoring the Aurora Prize Laureates and Humanitarians and the Initiative’s 5th anniversary. 

Tom Catena, Aurora Humanitarian Initiative Chair, shared a powerful message at the “Gratitude in Action” event:

“We are trying to take the Aurora mantra of Gratitude in Action to heart and we are trying to show our thanks by taking care of the beleaguered population here in Nuba Mountains. We are trying to take the lesson of Armenia, people that have suffered tremendously and overcome all these adverse circumstances to be really a beacon for the world.”