Teams from UWC Adriatic, UWC Dilijan, and UWC Mahindra College to Compete for Grant Funding
Dr. Mukwege to Direct Support to Humanitarians and Organizations on the Ground through the Aurora Prize Participatory Grants
Former Senior USAID official to advance the organization’s global humanitarian outreach
Armine Afeyan succeeds Arman Jilavian, who has provided exemplary leadership during the organization’s first decade
This annual call for innovative humanitarian solutions from students is presented by the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative in partnership with the United World Colleges and with the participation of Teach for All and the African Leadership Academy
The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative honored the woman who inspired its Co-Founders
Renowned physician, entrepreneur and human rights advocate to help steward the Initiative in an important new phase
A delegation of Aurora Humanitarians, Board Members, Selection Committee, and Leaders will contribute to conversations shaping the future of our world
Public Health Advocate and Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation joins a group of exceptional humanitarian leaders and former heads of state
Amid skyrocketing global humanitarian funding needs, the $1 million Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity will be distributed to support local humanitarians working on the ground
Anyone can put forward an inspiring humanitarian for a $1 million award
Former diplomat and Navy veteran has spent nearly 14 years bringing war criminals to justice