Morolake Odetoyinbo is the founder of Positive Action for Treatment Access (PATA) and Mary’s Home for Adolescent Girls in Nigeria. She is a licensed mental health counselor, activist, advocate, coach, public speaker, radio and TV producer. She has worked extensively with issues related to HIV/AIDS, LGBTQ, sexual and reproductive health and women’s rights.
“When you educate or help one woman to become independent, you’re educating a village and bringing financial freedom to a generation. Women still do not have rights over their own bodies. Telling stories of strong women is inspiring and comforting. The strong and amazing women I know have shaped my life and my beliefs in incredible ways. We need stories told by women, stories told of women, stories told to women. We need many stories in many languages and many cultures. We need more stories celebrating our strengths, successes and growths.”
These people live next to us. They are modern day heroes.