CARLA GARAPEDIAN, journalist, documentary filmmaker

CARLA GARAPEDIAN, journalist, documentary filmmaker

Carla Garapedian is a former journalist for the BBC and the only American ever to anchor its BBC World News. She has gained critical acclaim for her documentaries on North Korea, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iran, and the Armenian Genocide.  


Born in the United States, Garapedian grew up in Los Angeles to a family which originated in Van and Sivas, cities in the former Ottoman Empire. 

Claim to fame 

She directed several documentary films about pressing issues in world affairs, including one on North Korea titled “Children of the Secret State,” on Afghanistan titled “Lifting the Veil,” on Iran titled “Forbidden Iran,” and on the Armenian Genocide titled “Screamers,” featuring System of a Down. 

What she said

“The denial of the Armenian Genocide has motivated me in my work for as long as I can remember. It’s not a conscious thing – it’s just there, simmering under every story I’ve done about atrocities governments would like to keep hidden, truths people would seek to deny.” 

What others said

“Documenting truth in dangerous places.” – Los Angeles Times about Garapedian’s work

"I think she's an incredible undiscovered talent, both as a personality and as a documentarian…She's lived the life that all these young actresses are begging to play." – Peter McAlvey, Hollywood producer 

Noteworthy work


Forbidden Iran