The Inaugural Diaspora Dialogues Will Be Held in Armenia

The Inaugural Diaspora Dialogues Will Be Held in Armenia

Armenia will host the inaugural Diaspora Dialogues, a gathering of diaspora leaders, between October 8-10, 2017 in Dilijan and Yerevan. The inaugural Dialogues are organized by leadership development organization, Common Purpose, in cooperation with UWC Dilijan and with the support of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. 
“The world over, people face complex problems that cross boundaries. And so we need leaders who can cross the boundaries too. The Diaspora Dialogues is a unique opportunity to bring together exceptional leaders who have spent their lives crossing boundaries. It’s enormously exciting,” said Julia Middleton, Founder and Group Chief Executive, Common Purpose.
The participants of Diaspora Dialogues come from diverse backgrounds and experiences of multiple cultures and geographies. They represent education, business, philanthropy, innovation, civil society and humanitarian organizations. 
“There is no coincidence that the inaugural Diaspora Dialogues are being held at UWC Dilijan in Armenia because this is a hub for future leaders who are becoming bridges for different communities and fighting the fragmentation in the world. We welcome diaspora leaders in UWC Dilijan with the confidence that through sharing knowledge and experiences we will create and develop new ideas that will lead to practical actions in our societies,” said Veronika Zonabend, Co-founder and Chair of the Board of Governors of UWC Dilijan where Aurora Dialogues were held in 2016 and 2017. 
During three days through a dynamic and well tested process called ‘innoventure’ the participants of Diaspora Dialogues, including UWC Dilijan students, will exchange ideas, strategies and inspiration. There will be no ‘speakers’ in the traditional sense because participants themselves will provide the content. They will share their knowledge and experience as part of the carefully curated process.
The organizers expect to create a source of thought leadership which can be shared with a wider audience through blogs, or essays and possibly a book to develop the next generation of bridge builders as well as to establish a web of solidarity across different diaspora communities that provides support in times of need, and builds bridges across the world.