Aurora Dialogues Berlin - “Millions on The Move: Need for Development and Integration” explored how the European Union, and Germany, could contribute to humanitarian solutions by supporting development and integration. It was held on December 4-5, 2017 at the Robert Bosch Stiftung Representative Office in Berlin, Germany. The conference was a joint effort of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, the Stiftung Mercator, the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Global Perspectives Initiative.
The program of the discussions covered the root causes of the refugee crisis and the efficiency of varying responses to it such as humanitarian relief, education and social integration.
Day 1, Empathy and clarity in times of global migration
Panel Discussion:
Modern-day saviors: Responsibility in time of global challenges
Day 2, Migration crisis, a global responsibility
Global Challenges of migration
How attitudes influence refugee integration in hosting countries
A Marshall Plan with Africa: development aid and investment
Private initiatives for development
Shaping the future: Gratitude in Action
The most memorable moments of the Aurora Dialogues Berlin 2017