Armine Barkhudaryan

Armine Barkhudaryan

Armine Barkhudaryan, MD, is a committed gynecologist experienced in working in harsh conditions, including conflict zones in Africa. 

She is one of the Armenian doctors who left for Sudan in 2017 for a month at the request of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative in order to make possible the visit of the then 2017 Aurora Humanitarian Tom Catena—the sole surgeon in the local Mother of Mercy Hospital that serves the entire region—to Yerevan, Armenia. Despite the lack of elementary medicines and equipment, Barkhudaryan delivered a few dozen of babies while serving at the Mother of Mercy Hospital in Nuba. Prior to that, Barkhudaryan was on a humanitarian mission in the hospital of Malindi, Kenya, where she was much needed. Recently, Barkhudaryan and a demining group from Armenia were in Syria on a humanitarian mission, where they stayed for four months. 

Armine Barkhudaryan was a 2019 Aurora Forum Goodwill Ambassador.