Archbishop Hovnan Derderian: 2024 Aurora Prize Ceremony

Archbishop Hovnan Derderian: 2024 Aurora Prize Ceremony

“As we champion the protection of basic human rights, territorial integrity, and sovereignty of nations, may we also uphold the principles of democracy and freedom, and let us foster environments of peaceful coexistence where tolerance, respect and understanding flourish, nurturing the bonds that unite us as members of the human family. In the spirit of embracing our shared humanity, let us heed the timeless wisdom of Christ who taught us to love one another as he loved us.”

Watch the address of Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, at the 2024 Aurora Prize Ceremony and Dinner. His Eminence offered a prayer seeking divine presence to bless the gathering and emphasized the importance of compassion, human rights, and global peace and understanding.