2020 Aurora Humanitarian sister Angélique Namaika is Co-founder of Center for Reintegration and Development and the Saint Daniel Comboni Pediatric Clinic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. To date, she has helped thousands of victims of the armed conflict in the country, mostly women and children. For her service to the most vulnerable, Sister Angélique has received the Stop Hunger Award and the 2013 Nansen Prize.
Tireless and never content with the amount of good she has already managed to do, Sister Angélique often travels the world from one continent to another, from one conference to another, to be the voice of the orphans, displaced women and girls under her protection. When asked about the source of her inspiration, she likes to quote a passage from the Bible that has defined her life and continues to encourage her every day: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). Words to live by, indeed.
Read full story here.
Photo: © UNHCR / John Wessels