AURORA IN 2015-2019

AURORA IN 2015-2019

The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative was founded in 2015, by three people committed to honoring the memory of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide by supporting projects that honor their saviors. Since that time, more than 440 individuals and organizations have been inspired to join the founders in transforming a nation’s gratitude to action.

The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative is transforming the Armenian experience into a global movement committed to inspiring each of us to protect the humanity and life of our fellow man. With an illustrious Selection Committee of international dignitaries, Aurora’s programs reach every continent. Aurora partners with life-saving programs in more than a dozen countries on five continents. Aurora offers invaluable scholarship support to students from 9 countries.

Aurora reaches humanitarians, civic leaders and persons of influence in various capitals in the world through the Aurora Dialogues on current issues critical to the future of humanity. Since the Aurora Prize launch in 2015, more than 2,800 nominations have been submitted from over 125 countries in more than 20 languages putting forward 2,000 candidates. Over the years, 14 Aurora Humanitarians have been selected.