Galvanizing the World: Aurora Project for UWC Schools and Colleges

Galvanizing the World: Aurora Project for UWC Schools and Colleges

The final round of the 2018 Aurora Humanitarian Project for UWC Schools and Colleges was held on June 8, 2018 at the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies in Yerevan, Armenia. The project, a partnership between the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and UWC (United World Colleges), encourages UWC students to design projects aimed at creating positive change in communities surrounding UWC schools and colleges.

After a highly competitive selection process, UWC International and the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative announced the three UWC colleges whose projects were chosen to proceed to the final round of the 2018 project: UWC Changshu China in China, UWC Mahindra College in India, and Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa in Swaziland.

On June 8, 2018, after the presentation organized within the Aurora Dialogues Additional Programming, UWC Changshu China’s project HOPE was named as the winner. This project, founded in 2017 by students at UWC Changshu China (UWCCSC), is dedicated to preventing the sexual abuse of children. HOPE delivers trainings online and in schools throughout Changshu and the surrounding area, educating children and teachers about how to address and prevent sexual abuse.

The winning team will receive $4,000 for further development of the project. However, thanks to the generous gift from anonymous donors, each of the two other teams will also receive the same funding.

You can watch the full video from the event below (in English).