All fields marked * are mandatory

1. Please provide your name and contact details

Please complete your full name:

Please provide the following contact details:

Are you nominating on behalf of any organization (as a member or as an affiliated person)?

2. Tell us whom you are nominating

3. Explain what actions the Nominee undertook to help others survive *

Please provide answers to the questions below:



Within your response, please address the following questions
  • Has the Nominee risked his or her own life for the sake of helping others survive threats to their lives?
  • To what extent did the Nominee’s actions involve going beyond the call of duty of professional obligations for the sake of helping others survive?


Within your response, please address the following questions
  • Has the Nominee demonstrated a direct involvement in helping others survive?
  • What was the Nominee’s motivation or reason for carrying out these actions?


Within your response, please address the following questions
  • Did the Nominee save lives directly? If so, to the best of your knowledge, how many individuals survived thanks to the Nominee’s actions?
  • Have the Nominee’s actions saved more lives since?

4. Upload supporting evidence

Please upload supporting evidence that documents the Nominee’s work and impact (e.g., coverage by reputable internationally recognized media, awards, published works, third-party recommendations letter or other endorsement – max 10 documents and/or links).

Please note that supporting evidence is obligatory. Secretariat reserves the right to decline a nomination that is not supported by evidence verifying the Nominee’s story.
